
I am Claire, I am a certified EFT Tapping Practitioner and Portrait Photographer based in Berlin, Germany.

I have always been an empathetic observer, captivated by the idea of making the invisible visible. This began with using photography as a means to explore emotion and this naturally progressed into ongoing studies in the unconscious mind and a career as a certified practitioner in emotional wellness.

My Focus

My background in EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and Portrait Photography provides me with a unique advantage in facilitating emotional transformations.

By using body-focused and somatic techniques, I help to foster a deep sense of self-trust and autonomy. I bring a warm and expansive energy to support you in freeing yourself from limiting beliefs you have picked up throughout life, allowing you to choose what you want to keep and what is no longer helpful.

The Process

1. Identify: I work to identify the behaviour, thought patterns, or emotional blocks that are impacting you.

2. Explore: I locate the core beliefs underlying these thoughts and actions, examining where they stem from (e.g., societal pressure, religious dogma, childhood experiences).

3. Heal: I gently implement body-focused healing techniques to help your body feel safe enough to process these emotions, creating space for you to choose a new, empowering reality.

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1:1 EFT Sessions
Learn the benefits of EFT and what to expect
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Your Body: A Landscape
Connecting to your body in a brand new way
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Read reflections shared by previous clients
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About me
Using Format